Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Madison!!

Today we celebrate Madison. 

8 years old!!!

She is driven. She is serious. She is helpful. She is honest. She is quiet in a crowd. She is thoughtful. 

She's my shy little girl who let a lunchroom full of her friends sing happy birthday to her, just to make her mama smile. 

We love you Madi!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My baby is 5!!!!

Today I celebrate Vivian. 

She is 5!!!!!

She is a mess. She is opinionated. She is loud. She is smart. She talks, A LOT. She is hysterical. She is my starbucks budy while her sisters are at school. She has totally made her place in our family. 

We love you Sweet!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Merry Christmas Bethany First Church of the Nazarene Support Staff

I would like to take this opportunity to wish the folks at

Bethany First Church of the Nazarene Support Staff 

a very Merry Christmas from Megan!!

Megan has donated to our adoption fund on your behalf. 

Donna G
Donna W

You have helped us get a little closer to bringing our twins home from Africa. 


Thursday, December 8, 2011

My first born

Today I celebrate my oldest daughter. 

15 years old. 

How does that happen? 

One day you have a little baby and the next, you have a young lady. 

She is spunky. She is an artist. She is a great singer. She is outgoing. She is loving. She is beautiful. 

We love you Mackenzie!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The princess by Leah

It is precious to me to see how adoption is affecting our whole family. 

Leah is 6 and wrote this at school.....

Sunday, November 27, 2011

On the home strech

Between donations and grants, we have now raised over 18k towards our adoption!!

Can I get an AMEN!!!!!!

We are getting very close to our goal. To say that we are shocked, amazed, humbled and overwhelmed would be a complete understatement. 

We are about 6k away from being completely ready to travel. I can't even believe we are saying that. 

One way that we are working towards the rest of that goal, is by selling beautiful Uganda beaded jewelry. We have gotten a new shipment and have lots of different items to choose from. Multi-colored, solid-colored, short lengths, long lengths, and even a few pairs of earrings. 

Please share this post with anyone you think would be interested. 


Long, multi-colored, thin beads (13 necklaces pictured)
$20 each (Includes US Shipping)

12 necklaces pictured
Solid colored, large beads, medium length
$20 each

#1 on the left- Long length (could be wrapped 2 or 3x)
#2 on the right- Double stranded, long length
$20 each

4 necklaces pictured
Long length (could be wrapped 2 or 3x)
$20 each

2 necklaces pictured
3 strands each, short length
$20 each

2 necklaces pictured
$20 each

3 necklaces pictured
solid colored, short length
$20 each

5 pairs of earrings
$10 each

To purchase just click on the button below and put your choice and your address in the note section. Please email me @ thebrownbrigade @ (no spaces) if you have any questions.

Thank you!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am just going to put this out there because I could really use some prayer. 

I have an irrational panic about getting the twins' room ready or buying them anything or packing, etc. 

Basically anything related to actually bringing them to our home makes me panic. 


I have this physical feeling that comes over me and I feel almost paralyzed. 

I know it's ridiculous. 

But it's the truth. 

Here I sit, 18 months into the adoption process and I am not packed. The room is not ready. Their clothes are not bought/washed/put away. None of it. 

We could get the call any day!

What am I doing? What's the problem? 

The only thing I can pinpoint is the fact that I have buried my child. I know the heartache that parents should not know. My only son. I have taken the crib down after not bringing the baby home from the hospital. 

And I guess this is scary in a similar way. 

What if? 

It's miserable really to think about them never coming "home."

So my friends, I need your prayers.  

I have got to get things in order in my house and get ready for the call to come.

I have got to put the "what ifs" out of my head and press on. 

I have got to put the joy in front of the fear and really enjoy this time of preparing. 

Thank you for your support and your prayers!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thankful for..........

Today I am thankful for.......

Fall colors

Friends who love the "real" me

For our church



Y'all have a great weekend. :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful for the tough stuff

Having children that live in another part of the world and not being able to get to them is one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. 

I can't sugar coat it. 

I vividly remember a few years ago when I was talking to adoptive mom and just not understanding how she could love kids that she hadn't met. 

She missed them and included them in her everyday conversations. 

God had already stirred my heart for adoption, but I didn't "get" it. 

Now I do. 

This is tough, tough stuff. And there are days when I don't feel so thankful for the trials. There are days when I want to run away from what God has called me to do. There are days when I think, I can't walk another step in this. 

It's too hard. 

And those are the days that God shows me once again, that He is faithful through it all. 

Last week I was having a particularly ugly day. And a friend from our adoption board shared a message with me. Please take about 8 min and watch this. It was just the push I needed to keep going and remember that God is in this. These are HIS children. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A huge Christmas Anncouncement

I have mentioned here before how much we love the work that Sixty Feet does in Uganda. They are regular ole people just like us whose eyes have been opened to the imprisoned children there.

Imprisoned Children.

Two words that should not be in the same sentence.

God has done some awesome things in the last two years in the lives of these children.

And this is the biggest thing yet!!!

So please go over my crazy friend's blog and check the HUGE announcement tonight.

 Redirecting Christmas

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today I am thankful for my husband.

I know I drive him crazy sometimes!

But he is patient, kind, loving, helpful, and crazy enough to love me and join me on this crazy ride that is our life.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Highs and Lows

A lot of nights at dinner we do Highs and Lows. 

Highs of the day and Lows of the day. 

Sometimes they are funny. 

Sometimes they are serious. 

Sometimes we have to help the littles comb through their brain to remember the events of the day. 

It's a really neat way to hear about the day without the typical, "How was your day?" question. Any of us with children know that we are going to get the answer, "Fine."

Things have been quiet here on the blog. And honestly I don't have a lot to say. 

So I thought I would do the Highs and Lows of my life right now. 

High: We are all healthy. 

High: Everyone made all A's and B's on their report cards.

High: We have had some really fun, fall field trips at school. 

High: We have made some yummy fall treats. 

Apple Nacho Recipe:

4 large Granny Smith apples, sliced 
35 large marshmallows
1/4 cup butter
35 caramels
1 Tbsp evaporated milk (or half and half)
1/4 cup peanuts
1/4 cup mini semi-sweet morsels
2 Tbsp chocolate syrup
Slice apples and arrange on platter.

In saucepan, melt marshmallows and butter until creamy. Set aside.

In microwave dish, melt caramels with milk (cooking in 30 second intervals, and stirring). Set aside.

Pour marshmallow cream over apple slices, followed by caramel sauce. Drizzle chocolate syrup and sprinkle with peanuts and mini chocolate morsels. Serve immediately and enjoy!

And our dossier is in Ug@nda!!!!!

And now for the lows.....

Low: A lot of days, this is what my trash can looks like...
The folks in my home don't seem to see when it's full and they keep shoving and/or placing items next to it.  I may or may not be graceful as I clean up behind them. 

Low: We have had a couple of really disappointing weeks in the adoption process. We sent our dossier in hopes of filing for a court date really soon. I put my trip on hold because we thought we might get a date in early Nov. Three families from our agency got court dates about a week and a half ago and we thought we going to be next. And then just a few days later, we found out that there will be no more dates given until after the first of the year.

Low: Having to answer the question "If God loves the twins, then why do they have to stay in the orphanage for another three months?" 

Low: We are going through some trials that are difficult. 

But I want to end on a high....

I trust God. 


And even though it's difficult to endure this and difficult to answer those questions, I still KNOW this is good. Good teachable moments for my children. Good opportunities for me to TRUST. 

   A Psalm of David.
 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread?
2 When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh,
My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.
3 Though a host encamp against me,
My heart will not fear;
Though war arise against me,
In spite of this I shall be confident.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I believe as Christians, sometimes we are given situations where God simply wants obedience. 

No questions asked, just do it. 

That happened to us this week. 

On the way home from the beach on Sun, I had a talk with my hubby. 

I told him that I had been praying and asking God what should I do while I am waiting. 

And the answer I got on Sun was, "GO!" 

I thought for sure when I told hubby this he would laugh. 

After all, who does that. 

Who takes an extra trip to Africa during their adoption process? Who leaves their 4 children at home and disrupts regular life without having to? Who spends 2k on a trip to Africa when they are saving every penny to adopt? 

But you know what he said when I told him? 

He said, "Go."

He wanted me to obey God and was willing to do whatever it took. 

Monday was a really hard day. Coming back to real life. And the reality that weeks and weeks had passed with no news. And this burden on my heart to "Go." 

It's scary to think about going to Africa without my hubby. 
I prayed and asked God to make it crystal clear. Hit me over the head please!

I sent an email to my friend who might know of others traveling to Africa. This would be my first mission trip and my first international flight. I most definitely didn't want to go alone. 

Within a couple of hours, she responded and said that two ladies were heading out soon and I could travel with them if I could get on their flight. 

Very soon. As in 14 DAYS!!!!

Ok Lord, you said Go, and I am going. 

There's room left on the flight! 
I put it on hold waiting for the ok from the orphanage. 
My mother in law is called in to action to help with the kids. 
I start making plans to get vaccinated. 
I start a shopping list. 

Then, less than 24 hours after deciding to obey and "Go".........

We got a call that our paperwork that we have waited 10 weeks for is ready!!!!!!

We could have a court date as early as beginning of Nov. 

I don't believe this is a coincidence. I believe that God was asking us to obey. 
Without questions, without protesting. 

Just obey. 

And God has put that "Go" on hold for now, until we get the call that we can go meet our babies. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


We had a break from school last week, so we hit the beach

We had really weighed out taking a vacation this year. We are saving every penny to get the twins home and weren't really sure if we should do it or not. The Lord provided some friends to go with us and share the cost, so we took one last vacation as a family of 6. 

It was the best one yet!!!

We woke early to take pictures on the beach
We played at the pool. 
We got tattoos. 
We enjoyed the quiet. 
We read great books on the beach. 
And above all, we enjoyed God's creation.

Thank you Jesus for providing the rest and connection that our family needed. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Strong Enough

We just came back from vacation yesterday. We had a wonderful, relaxing time together. I will post some pictures soon. 

But today it's back to reality. 

And my reality is that I have two children who live in an orphanage in Africa. 

Our adoption is at a stand still. No movement for 10 weeks now. 

To say that I am sad would be a gross understatement. 

I am breaking at the seams. 

I told my friend today that I haven't blogged lately because I have nothing good to say. 

I don't. 

I am not strong enough to do this. 

And I was in tears today when this song came on the radio.

What a precious song for my soul today. 

I am not strong enough to do this. But HE is and HE has called me to keep walking. 

I know so many friends who are going through hard, hard times. Please let this encourage your soul today. 

Wherever you are, HE is there, carrying you. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love is worth waiting for

That's my thought for today. 

The waiting is hard. 

Ok, it's unbearable at times. 

Paralyzing even. 

I have never felt so helpless in my whole life. 

Even when we were fighting for Jacob's life, at least we felt like we were in the fight. 

There are no words some days for how this feels. 

Which is why there are no blog posts. 

but......... there is LOVE. 

Love for these children. 
Love for each other.
Love for God. 
Love for His plan. 

And so we wait...........

Monday, August 29, 2011


Hubalicious and I had an awesome date night with some friends this weekend.

We went to the premier of Courageous.

Talk about a call to action.

Tissues are a good idea.

You must see this movie! 


Sunday, August 28, 2011


We got an unbelievable email this week. 

The folks at Promise 686 emailed us to let us know about a donation that had come in for our account. 

A $5000.00 donation. 

Yes, that's 5 THOUSAND dollars!!!

Immediately, I emailed back to ask who gave it. I wanted to know who to thank. 

It was an anonymous donation. 

We hope to show our thanks by being obedient. By continuing down this road even when it gets difficult. To obey and follow God even when it doesn't make sense. To be patient and rest in God's timing. 

And above all to thank God for being the author of this awesome story. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

As of late.....


As of late...... I have decided to join a women's bible study. I am really excited because it has been about 3 years since I have been involved in one. There's nothing quite like unpacking God's word with other ladies. And the fact that it's while the older kids are in school and there's child care for the youngest, well that's just icing on the cake. 

As of late......I have really been praying about how I can help the folks in my life "get" what we're doing. When God lights a fire in your soul, you will burst if you don't share it. 

As of late...... I am getting very nervous about leaving my children when we go to Africa. I know God's in control. I know they will be fine. I know that they understand why we're going. Even so, I have never  left them for more than a couple of days and I am having to work through all of that. 

As of late......I have made a commitment to learn how to use our SLR camera. We have had it since Dec and I don't know anything about it. I want to take some beautiful pictures of the twins homeland, so I am diving in. 

As of late...... I am seeing what a spiritual battle adoption is. With every bit of progress, Satan is upping the heat. This is not for wimps. 

So, what about you? What's happening in your heart?

Feel free to link up to As of Late, over at Critty Joy's As of Late 

Flitterbugs fundraiser extended!!!

If you haven't already, please check out this blogger friend of mine who is serving us through a fundraiser. 

She's such a blessing to us. Their story, is part of ours. I found her blog late one night and saw that they had adopted twins through our domestic agency last year. It was her story that prompted us to pray about opening up our hearts to a boy AND A GIRL. I made my hubby watch their video and we contacted our agency the next day to tell them that we would love boy/girl twins. Later that week, we saw pictures from across the world of boy/girl twins who needed a family. 

She began sewing to fund her adoption and has continued to sew to help families raise money for missions and adoptions. 

She has decided that it's time to hang up the needle for a while, so you should get these great outfits while you still can. 

Through the weekend, she will be donating 80% of her profits to our adoption. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I am linking up over at Storing up Treasures. She is doing a series called Fo Realz.

Blogging for real life.

I am loud. I am passionate. My family knows where I stand. So do my neighbors. Lol but seriously I am not a quiet, humble little wife and momma. I am more like a loud bull in a china shop. I am fiery and fierce. Mostly in a good way. Not always. But I am working on it.

Edited to add some examples:

My voice travels, a lot. So when we need the girls, I always call them. My hubby will call me from what I am doing just to call them for him.

I am passionate about everything. It's not uncommon to see me crying or semi-yelling about something I care about. Sometimes my kids think I am upset with them when I truly am not. I am really trying to work on that.

I embarrass my husband at restauants. I am just loud. So I will be talking about something and my voice will start carrying. As I get more involved, my voice gets louder. And I used to get upset when he would shush me because I felt like he wasn't listening. But really he didn't want everyone in the place to be listening.

In my defense, my family is loud too. When you get us all together, you need earplugs. Lol

They have changed me

8 months ago I saw their faces for the first time. 

I thought they were the most beautiful brown faces I had ever seen. 

I imagined how it would be for them to be a part of our family. 

I couldn't wait for them to have a better life, one where they have a mommy and a daddy and sisters. 

I imagined how much their lives would change. 

What I didn't realize was, without even having met them yet, how much they would change mine.  

Monday, August 15, 2011

Want a new camera?

Check out an awesome giveaway for an awesome cause. 


Friday, August 12, 2011

Beautiful, custom dresses for a cause

From now through Wed, my friend Julie is donating 80% of her profits to our adoption. So please hop over to her blog and check out all of her beautiful creations. 

Flitterbugs for the Browns

Here is a sample of the cute outfits she makes.