That is what I did for 48 hours this past weekend.
It's hard to even put it into words.
For those of you who don't know, I heard about this retreat back in the fall. We had recently began our journey towards adoption, so it seemed like a great opportunity for me. I only knew one person who was going to the retreat, didn't know how I would get there or who I would room with. But hubby and I felt strongly that God was calling me to go, so I signed up.
God worked out the details, of course. I hitched a ride, roomed with people that I didn't know and had one of the most amazing weekends of my life.
In the week leading up to the retreat, we had some major decisions about our adoption. Not quite ready to share yet, but trust me when I say, GOD IS MOVING!!!!
The retreat was like nothing I have ever experienced.
Andrea is a precious adoptive mom who had a calling from God to serve and be served. She prayed that 25 women who attend this retreat. God multiplied her request and she had to cut off registration at 250!!!! I felt like my heart would burst being with 250 women who "get it." Who see the world like I see it. Who have a heart for adoption.
The weekend greatly surpassed my expectations. I thought that I would love it, but I didn't realize how much it would strengthen my relationship with the Lord. From the speakers to the worship times to my "date" with God, I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and I knew God was in the house!
Ladies came from all over the country to attend. My sweet roommates were from New Mexico!!
I made connections, friends and most of all rested in the presence of my father. In another post, I will try to convey some of what we learned. But for now, rest assured, I am still on the mountain.