The hubster and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage this year.
Pray that he remembers. haha
I have been pondering all things marriage lately. And I thought I would share some of our story.
In our first year of marriage we moved across the country, cared for ailing grandparents (basically parents,) went through a very difficult pregnancy complete with a month long hospital stay for me, and planned three funerals, one of whom was our first born son. It was a very rough year.
God was faithful to keep us binded together over the next few years as we went on to start our own business, move a few more times, have three more babies, deal with postpartum depression, lose everything we owned for our business due to theft, etc., etc.
Life happened.
Probably around year 7, we hit a bit of a rough patch. I think that was about the time that the living crisis to crisis wore off and we looked at each other and thought, "Who are you?"
There were no "major" issues, we just realized that we had really neglected some very important things...
Each other.
The enemy loves that friends!
He gets great pleasure out of watching us neglect our most important earthly relationship.
I know we are all busy. We have lots of irons in the fire and things calling us in all different directions.
And then there are the kids....
Children are such blessings. But we have to remember that those blessings are made to leave us one day. They are temporary blessings.
Sure, we will still be a part of their lives when they are grown, but in a very different way.
Your relationship with your husband is permanent.
We have to be diligent to date our husbands. To spend time one-on-one with them. Find out what's going on with them and how we can give our input.
We also need to find a fun outlet. Ours is college football and concerts.
I know it's tough to "find time." You aren't going to find it. You have to make it.
An awesome pastor and friend always said, "Date weekly, depart monthly."
Realistically, we can't do that. But it's not at all uncommon for us to have a "home date." The kids go to bed early and we watch a movie or just hang out and talk. It doesn't have to elaborate.
This is a battle friends. Satan doesn't want happily, married couples.
Fight back!!