Saturday, November 27, 2010

A HUGE giveaway!!

Check out this HUGE giveaway and help my friends get closer to their son.

The giveaway includes Pampered Chef, Premier Jewelery, Tastefully Simple, Thirty One Designs, and more!!

Please check out their blog for all the details......Making room for Moore

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nov 20th-National Adoption Day!

Today in National Adoption Day.

How can you get involved in the lives of orphans?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Adoption Blog Hop

November is National Adoption Awareness Month and in honor of that, adoptive moms in bloggy land are particpating in a blog hop. This is my first time participating and I am loving reading all the great stories of adoption.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A moment

I am having a moment tonight. A "I am ready for my baby to be here" moment. Vivian said today that what she wants for her birthday is a real life baby. I second that.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Stop laughing at me!!

This is what I heard from the hallway this morning. I thought it was a little odd considering Vivian and I were home alone. She came into the room shaking her head. I said, "What is it Vivian?" She said, "I can't believe it. I fell in the hallway and Isabella just started laughing at me and wagging her tail!" I wish I could have gotten it on video. The attitude was priceless.

Another funny tonight was when she told me that I need to "remember her" that she needs to take something with us tomorrow.


Check out this awesome blog for 30 days of Giveaways!

Ni Hao Y'all


I met an adoptive mom yesterday who is walking the road of domestic adoption. It was such an encouragement to me. It was all I could not to play 20 questions. I want to know everything! I am finding on this adoption journey that domestic adoptions are few and far between. And while a mom is a mom and a baby is a baby, I relish in the "been there done that" with domestic adoption. And it didn't hurt to get to hold such a precious little gift from God.  :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

The warfare of adoption and orphan care

We attended a fundraising dinner for our adoption agency Covenant Care Services this week. They are moving towards having an Atlanta branch and we are really excited about all that thay are doing to bring awareness to adoption. This is not just another adoption agency. They are truly a Christ-honoring, gospel-driven agency. It's really amazing to know the good that God is doing through this group of people.

The keynote speaker was Voddie Baucham who is a pastor out of Tx and also an adoptive father. His message was very encouraging and needed. Satan waged war with God long ago and the battle is still very much alive and well. Christians need to be aware and engaged in the battle.

We also were blessed to hear the testimony of Ryan Scott through song. This was really neat for me because I had stumbled upon his blog last week and was encouraged to see his beautifully colorful family. You must go to his website and listen to the song that he wrote for his birthmom that he has never met. Have your tissues ready.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

One more meeting.....

that will happen tomorrow and then our profiles should be going out to birthmothers. We had some hiccups with our homestudy process so it ended up taking a little longer than we expected. Thank you D F A C S! 

And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. Acts 1:7

Good thing we know who is really in control.

Please pray that our meeting goes well tomorrow and that our profile can start being shown to birthmoms. Please continue to pray for our birthmom and her health and safety. But more than anything, please pray for her to see Jesus above all else as she journeys through this valley in her life.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov 7th, Orphan Sunday

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Join us on Sunday Nov, 7th and stand for orphans. Pray that God would show you how you can get involved in the lives of orphans to make a difference.

Why Love Orphans? from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.

Thanks for praying!

Thanks for the prayers. Madison is feeling better. I got real serious with the herbal stuff and things seem to be turning around. Tim is still hanging in there. He's still in pain and just waiting to see when this stone will pass.