Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Resolution

All over bloggy land, I have seen folks putting up their "decade-in-review." I see the point, and I think it could be therapeutic to do so, but honestly I haven't gotten the strength or the brain cells. A lot of loss and a lot of blessings seems to cover it for me.

I also have thought about resolutions for the new year. What do I want to do, give and be this year? This seems much more doable for me. A look ahead rather than a look back.

I have several things that I would like to change.

My weight for one. I have pretty much never gotten back to pre-pregnancy from 14 years ago. Now, I realize that THAT weight is never to be again. However, I would like to be healthy, not easily exhausted, and energetic. So that's number one on my list.

My anxiety level. I don't really know where this originated, but I have been on edge for quite some time.

Spending QUALITY time with kids. Not just running from place to place and talking in the car, but true face-to-face, sit down, quality time. This one is probably the most challenging because 3 of them are in school all day. But that just means that I have to better manage our after school time.

More time in the Word. Ok, so this one really should be first. But again, I am being realistic. I know that God loves me even if I am not in the Word daily. However, I also know that reading His Word is food for the soul and we will starve without it. So I am heading back to a women's bible study, which I absolutely LOVED before and have pushed to the back burner for a year. I find that when I am in a bible study, it really helps me be accountable with my bible time.

Of course, I have the normal resolutions ie. be a better wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter, etc. But those things flow out of the resolutions listed above.

Happy New Year!

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