Saturday, July 12, 2008

Prayers please

Tim's uncle Jim was in a horrible accident last night. He was working late at his office in Atlanta, when a woman in a pickup truck plowed through the office building, right where he was working. The truck pinned him up against the wall. He was able to call 911, but when the ambulance arrived, they did not see him at first and only tended to the woman. Then they realized that he was still in the building. He was rushed to Grady's trauma center where he was in surgery for several hours while they tried to stop the internal bleeding. As of 2am when we came home from the hospital, he was still on a ventilator. He has some vertebrate in his back that are broken and some punctures in his intestine. I believe he was at least stable as of 2am. Please pray for his wife Mary Anne and his kids Jennie and Kevin especially. It was many hours of not knowing if Jim would even survive. And if any of you have ever had someone at Grady, you know the nonsense that they dealing with as far as getting answers about his condition.

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