Thursday, April 24, 2008

That's not gymboree!!

I was getting the girls dressed yesterday and pulled out a cute dress for Leah. She took one look at it and said, "That's not Gymboree mama, I don't want to wear it!" And she was right, it was Carters.

Another gymboree note: Yesterday a big sale started. So we skipped ballet, went to two gymboree stores, called two more (including the one in MA near my parents) stopped twice to go potty and ended up getting a pair of sandals and 2 pairs of sunglasses. I was only looking for clothes for Madi. Poor kid, she has like two summer outfits. If I buy anything else for Vivi or Leah, I will have to sell it all to pay for a divorce attorney!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, that sounds like Molly - except with her it's "Is that from Old Navy??" What have we done to our children????
Tomorrow we're going to Wal-Mart (gasp!) for some shorts and such... they'll just have to get over it, as the money tree in the backyard hasn't bloomed yet.