I have gotten so many compliments on my beads, that we decided to sell them to help fund our adoption. The colors are vibrant, they are long so you can use them for a two layer look or a bracelet as well.
147 Million Orphans is an organization that sells t-shirts and accessories and uses the proceeds to feed, educate, and empower people all over the world. They offer these products to adopting families at wholesale to help with fundraising.
Some African women earn their living making these beads. According to 147 Million Orphans, many of these women formerly picked trash or worked as prostitutes to make a living. 147 Million Orphans buys the beads for a fair price and sells them to adoptive families to use as fundraisers. 147 Million Orphans also donates the proceeds from these to the Amazima Feeding Program.
So for $20, you give a woman a safe and sustainable way to earn a living, support Amazima's feeding program, and help us fund our adoption!
Delivery/Shipping is included for US buyers.
Delivery/Shipping is included for US buyers.
We will be taking orders through the end of May and then we will place an order.
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