Friday, February 4, 2011

Created for Care

My heart is rejoicing as I am heading to Created for Care, an Christian retreat for adoptive moms. This week has brought some decisions in our adoption journey, and God's timing is so perfect to offer me the joy of being with 250 moms this weekend who share my heart for adoption.

"Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young--a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God." Psalm 84:3

1 comment:

Jessica Smith said...

Hey Sweet Girl!

We met this weekend at the retreat and I was the "one" that kept running into you and CELEBRATING what the Lord is doing with you and your twins in UGANDA!!! Oh my heart still JUMPS with joy as I think about you and the journey you are on!

How did it go on Sunday? When will you know about their decision with the grant!

I am so excited to keep with your story and count me in as a prayer warrior for you guys!

Too bad you don't live in FL...

Anyways, my emails is and I would love to hear the latest :)

Blessings to you sweet Momma!

To God be the Glory!

PS- I tried to "find" you on FB but had no luck. I am