Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Am I softening with age?

We are admittedly pretty strict parents. We are tough on attitude, what we listen and watch, what we eat, etc. But I am beginning to notice a trend. I am buying things that I have not typically bought in the past (ie. the lunchables they had for lunch today,) all the girls (including Vivian) know the words to "Our Song" by Taylor Swift, and I find myself bribing them to do things rather than just laying down the law.

For instance today. I have been clipping coupons and taking advantage of MAJOR deals lately (see some of them at Bargain Mama.) And up to now I have gone at night to the store so I can go by myself. It's a lot of work (at least for me with very little brain) to keep track of what I am doing and spending at the store. So I leave them at home. But today I really felt like the Lord was calling me to be a blessing to my husband and get it done while he was gone. I also have to add here that I do have to leave my town to go to any store at all. So travel is also a factor in these outings that take me away from my husband. So anyway, I took them to Publix to stock up. And I left with lunchables for all four of them. Now they did very well for the amount of stress that's involved with going to the store. We're talking two carts, both of which must be wiped down before anyone can touch b/c I am a germaphobe. Then we go in and play musical carts for a few min until we come up with a set up that works for all involved. Then I do actually have to attempt to read the list while all four are talking/whining/crying at me. We make it to the first aisle before I have to discipline and have a talk with each of them. All while teaching them to stay on one side of the aisle as to not impose on others. We are a sight! The woman who checked us out asked me why I didn't just leave them at home (in a nice way, if there is a nice way to say that.) And I told her that I was working on being a blessing to my husband.

All in all I have to say it was a good trip. I didn't forget anyone & we weren't asked to leave. Although we did leave with lunchables so I think I am softening with age. Or maybe it's just that brain cells that are rapidly decreasing and I mistook them for a healthy lunch.


Anonymous said...

You know, I was wondering how you had the patience to do all that bargaining with the 4 of them in tow... now I know your secret! I went on my first CVS and Walgreen's runs this weekend with only my littles and that was a headache in itself. I don't know how I did as far as the bargains go, but I did get 2 backpacks for $9.99 and 2 packs of pens for free! It's a good start, right?

Audrey B said...

That's awesome!

Tiffany said...

my kids beg for those lunchable things (and begging used to be punishable by death, but I am also softening with age) i will let them go shopping with you :)
you will immediately have 4 new BEST friends!!!

and i will take your girls out and purchase the cutest PINK sparkly things i can find :)