Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Many blessings to report.....

Our homestudy is written. Which means that it is headed to our agency and we are officially in the waiting process of our adoption.

We had a yardsale last weeked to help fund our adoption and made almost $500!! Part of that came from a sweet mother and grandmother of an adopted child that live right down the street. They were the first ones at the sale on Friday and absolutely knocked my socks off with their gernerosity and concern for us.

Our sweet, sweet friends from church are organizing a church-wide sale at their house in a few weeks. They are an amazing couple and just went through a really heart-breaking time. Their only daughter just miscarried her first child a couple of weeks ago. So in honor of their little one, they want to donate all the $$ that they make in the sale to our adoption.

We are so grateful to have people in our lives who truly support and love this journey that we're on.

1 comment:

angie said...

yea!! congrats...SO very exciting! can't wait to watch your journey unfold :)