Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Two days in a row now, my girls have had to walk into school late. I get up at 5:45am, so it's not like we're rushing around crazy. I get up that early so that I can have my time with God, have my coffee, hang with Mackenzie for a few min (She leaves earlier than we do) and then the younger girls get up and have about an hour before we have to leaver. We live a long way from the school, so we leave in plenty of time to get to school early. It's has been going great. But for the 2nd day in a row now, traffic has been horrible. And it doesn't get that way until we get within 15 min of the school. As soon as Madison saw the brake lights today she knew it was bad like yesterday. :( She is so structured that being late could ruin her whole day. I truly hope and pray that it didn't. And tomorrow, we will start leaving even earlier.

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